Turbah: Sajdah to the Imams


The Shia place a piece of stone or clay, known as “Turbah,” on the ground so that their forehead touches the stone when they prostrate themselves in prayer. The Turbahs are made out of the stone or clay from the shrines of Imams or saints. Oftentimes, the Turbah is made from the clay or stone from Imam Hussain’s shrine. The Shia Ulema have declared that no Turbah has a higher sacredness than a Turbah made from Imam Hussain’s shrine, not even the stone from the Holy Ka’abah.

By praying to stones made from the shrines of their Imams and saints, the Shia are practising a polythiestic and paganistic act of grave-worshipping; they are quite literally making Sajood (prostration) to the Imams or saints. Indeed, praying to the Turbah of these Imams and saints is Bidah (evil innovation) and Shirk; it is not much different than idol worshipping. What is the difference between the idol that Hindus do Sajood to and the Turbah that the Shia do Sajood to? Both are considered Waseelah to bring them closer to God, and both of them are prostrated to.

Shi’ism is rooted in Shirk; the Shia have allowed their so-called love for the Imams translate into polythiestic adoration.

Article Written By: Ibn al-Hashimi, www.ahlelbayt.com

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